Sunday, February 17, 2013

2013 Gathering of Friends

It's that time again! We are just over a month away from the 2013 Gathering of Friends. We've been trying to keep it scheduled for the Saturday a week before Easter each year. This year it will be on March 23. (Last year it was a week later on the 31st.)

We hope that if you were a member of the classes of 1970-1972 and want to come visit with fellow classmates, you will be there. Please invite others who attended, classes before us or after us. Also, it doesn't matter if you graduated from Rolling Fork High School. This event is for those who attended. Even as a 4th grader, I still remember those who were Seniors. Pun (Spencer Powers) would go to Spanish class everyday maybe around 3rd hour. I made sure that I asked to go to the restroom about that time everyday so I could get a hug from him as he turned the corner. I'm not sure whether Mrs. Mullins ever caught on, or not. As a high school student, I also remember those who were much younger than I. My little brother Lee was in the 3rd grade when I was a Junior in high school. I knew all of his friends. I hope to see some of his friends there this year.

A little over a year ago, Kenneth Burns was gracious enough to write stories about being a Colonel (football player). He did an awesome job! Does anyone else have stories or memories to contribute? I would love to publish them.

On Thursday (Valentine's Day) I was remembering Valentine's Days from being in elementary school. Mind you, I taught in public schools for over 25 years and those memories aren't nearly as strong as my memories of when I went to Rolling Fork Elementary (Fielding Wright or whatever you choose to call it).

I remember every year we would get our little brown or white paper bags and put our names on them. Then we would cut out red hearts and use those hearts to decorate the bags. Everyone in the class had a bag.  No student was obligated to bring Valentines, but if you did, you MUST bring one for each classmate. We all received a class list to ensure we got it straight. I still remember the thrill of opening the bags and going through one by one to read each silly little card! I also remember the little candy hearts that were often in the bottom of the bag. You know, the ones that said things like BE MINE, SWEETIE, etc. My fondest memory doesn't even really have anything to do with me. I remember being in Mrs. Cain's 5th grade classroom when Bill Vandevender (a 6th grader) came to the door to deliver a box of chocolates to Frances Cortright! I think all of the girls, especially me, were jealous since no one came to give us a box of chocolates..... it was a BIG box!

I think of lots of other topics that I would like to see stories about. I suppose I could write stories about being in the band, but those stories would be best told by others. There are lots and lots of band stories to tell, but I don't remember all of the details to do them justice. Perhaps the statute of limitations has expired on some of those things, so they can now be told! LOL

For some reason, each time I try to think of topics, I keep going back to the Cafeteria. Perhaps next week, I can come up with something about that.

Remember the Gathering...

Saturday, March 23, 2013
2:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m.
Mrs. Rickey Moore's pool house
south of Cary

See you there!

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